The last few years have been challenging ones, to say the least. But we are still the church and still gathering, growing and going out to serve! Come join us as we build and re-build our life together sharing the love of God in Christ.
Sunday Worship
Our worship service begins each Sunday at 9:00am. Masks are no longer required but please do monitor your health and stay home if you are unwell. You may listen to our worship on 1240 WOMT AM, livestream from their website (womtradio.com and click “listen live”, or watch on Facebook Live.
Want to be part of leading worship? Contact the church office to learn more.
Your financial contributions remain important for the staff, agencies and institutions that depend on us to do their ministry amidst already heightened need. Two existing methods are mailing in your check, or having your bank send us a check through online bill payment options. An online giving option has been added as well. This portal has all the protections of online banking, and works in a similar way. Visit our Donate page to set up an online account.

We are resuming many of our activities and looking for new ways of being together as we move forward celebrating Christ's love. Stay tuned for more updates or share an idea you have!
As we continue to move forward in embracing our mission to - Gather, Grow and Go - we welcome all into our life together. Please contact the church office to learn about how to connect to First Lutheran's life together.
If you have any other questions about how church is operating, please contact us.
Call the church office at 920-682-7742
Email us at office@flcmanitowoc.org
Message us on Facebook: First Lutheran Church Manitowoc